Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of ぺちゃんこ in Japanese

ぺちゃんこ, ぺしゃんこ, ぺっちゃんこ, ぺったんこ, ペッタンコ, ぺたんこ
pechanko, peshanko, petchanko, pettanko, pettanko, petanko
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
    crushed flat; flattened; squashed; flat-topped
    Example sentence
    帽子たたいてぺしゃんこした He thumped his hat flat.
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
    flat-chested girl
    Example sentence
    帽子ぺちゃんこつぶした He squashed my hat flat.
  • Parts of speech
    sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something
    Example sentence
    空腹おなかぺしゃんこ My stomach is clenched with hunger.

Examples of , ぺちゃんこ, ぺしゃんこ, ぺっちゃんこ, ぺったんこ, ペッタンコ, ぺたんこ in a sentence