Practice Sheet

Week 36: Joyo Kanji Challenge

From "Semi-" to "Shift"

Character Definition

ジュン, じゅんじる, じゅんずる, なぞらえる, のり, ひとしい, みずもり

semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate


performance, act, play, render, stage

ケツ, いさぎよ

undefiled, pure, clean, righteous, gallant

サイ, わざわ

disaster, calamity, woe, curse, evil


printing block, printing plate, edition, impression, label

ハン, ボン, おか

crime, sin, offense


status quo, conditions, circumstances, form, appearance

ドク, トク, ひと

single, alone, spontaneously, Germany

ソツ, リツ, シュツ, ひきいる

ratio, rate, proportion, %, coefficient, factor

ゲン, あらわれる, あらわす, うつつ, うつ

present, existing, actual

リュウ, ル, める, まる, とどめる, とどまる, るうぶる

detain, fasten, halt, stop

リャク, ほぼ, おかす, おさめる, はかりごと, はかる, はぶく, りゃくす, りゃくする

abbreviation, omission, outline, shorten, capture, plunder

エキ, ヤク,

benefit, gain, profit, advantage

ガン, ゲン, まなこ, め


ハ, やぶる, やぶれる

rend, rip, tear, break, destroy, defeat, frustrate

カク, コウ, たしか, たしかめる

assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident

ジ, シ, しめ

show, indicate, point out, express, display

ancestor, pioneer, founder


prohibition, ban, forbid

イ, うつる, うつ

shift, move, change, drift, catch (cold, fire), pass into

ネン, える, やす,

burn, blaze, glow

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