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Japanese Lessons
4 lessons
Welcome to Nihongo Master and your first Hiragana lessons!
Are you ready to learn Japanese? Learn quickly about Nihongo Master then dive into learning your first Japanese characters!
5 lessons
Consonants Can Change: Hiragana S, T and N Sets
Let's learn hiragana that start with the "S," "T," and "N" initial sounds. Watch out! Sometimes the consonants don't stay the same!
3 lessons
H is for Hiragana は to ほ, M is for More Kana ま to も
This lesson covers hiragana that start with the "H" and "M" sounds. Learn how to properly pronounce ふ and remember the difference between は and ほ! Then push through the "M" column with its tricky lookalikes.
3 lessons
The Home Stretch: Hiragana や to ん
Learning Y hiragana is easier than the others we've learned so far because there are only three of them and the Y sound doesn't change. You can do this one easily! The R set has a couple of lookalikes, but we'll show you a handy memory hint. Finally, the Extras set is the last one! You've tackled all the hiragana! Way to go!
2 lessons
Reading Rules: Long Vowels and Sokuon っ
We look at special combinations of sounds: long vowels and sokuon, or little "tsu." Long vowels are simply longer and little "tsu" is a slight pause.
1 lesson
Katakana: Vowels First!
You've knocked out hiragana, and now it's time to start on katakana.
1 lesson
Katakana カ to コ
The next five katakana, カ to コ, look a lot like the hiragana. Don't be confused!
1 lesson
The Dakuten Strikes Back: Katakana ガ to ゴ
Here we learn the katakana ガ to ゴ. Add dakuten to what you learned in the previous lesson and you are good to go!
1 lesson
We Have Some Tricky Ones: Katakana サ to ソ
Watch out for シ and ソ! They like to impersonate each other.
1 lesson
Catching Some Zzzz's: Katakana ザ to ゾ
Add dakuten to change the "s" sound to "z". It's as easy as that.
1 lesson
Toe-to-toe with Katakana タ to ト
Remember, it's "chi", not "ti." And look carefully for the difference between "tsu" and "shi"!
1 lesson
ダ to ド and Back to Dakuten
Dakuten is easy, right? Here we learn ダ to ド in katakana.
1 lesson
Say "Yes" to "No": Katakana ナ to ノ
Don't say ノ to katakana! Keep working hard!
1 lesson
ハハハ! Laughing at Katakana ハ to ホ
We are halfway through the katakana with ハ to ホ. That's no laughing matter.
1 lesson
The Return of Handakuten: バ to ポ
Dakuten and handakuten with katakana ハ to ホ. It may seem like a lot, but if you have the ハ line down pat, it will go smoothly.
1 lesson
Katakana マ to モ
マ, ミ, ム, メ, モ! Don't be confused by some of the katakana that can look similar.
1 lesson
Let's Go to ララ Land: Katakana ラ to ロ
ラ, リ, ル, レ, ロ! Say that five times fast. Don't forget to practice your pronunciation of these katakana!
1 lesson
Katakana ヤ, ユ, and ヨ, Also Featuring: Yōon I
ヨ! Many katakana words use ヤ, ユ, and ヨ in yōon combinations.
1 lesson
Yōon with Katakana: The Sequel
In this lesson we see how to form yōon with the katakana シ, ジ, and チ.
1 lesson
The Final Katakana: ワ, ヲ and ン
Don't say goodbye to katakana! You will have to use all of the katakana that you have learned in the future as you continue learning Japanese.
1 lesson
Katakana: An Epilogue
When trying to spell out foreign words, Japanese uses some special combinations of Katakana. Your name in Japanese might use some of these!
0 lessons
Katakana Final Exam
You've made it! You've learned all the Katakana and it's now time to prove your knowledge. Get to it!
10 lessons
Saying Hello!
Time to learn some words that you can use everyday! This lesson teaches you how to say hi. Try saying these phrases to everyone you know!