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No Matter How...
You're a hard worker, but sometimes you can't get your work done matter how hard you try! It looks like you might be putting in some overtime!
No Matter How...
You're a hard worker, but sometimes you can't get your work done matter how hard you try! It looks like you might be putting in some overtime!
Are You Tired of Cheesecake Yet?
You may never get tired of cheesecake no matter how many times you eat it, but will you get tired of learning Japanese? I don't think so...
Nostalgia Is for Old People
When you get older you start saying things like "When I was a child, I used to..." Let's learn how to get nostalgic together!
Back When I Was Your Age...
The older we get, the more like to get nostalgic and remember the past...but can you remember this grammar in Japanese?
Well, I Don't NOT Like You
Sometimes we can't just answer "I do" or "I don't." A double negative can add a little more nuance in these cases.
I Didn't NOT Study for the Test!
Maybe you only studied a little bit, but not as much as you should have. Do you remember how to use double negatives to mildly express the affirmative?
In comparison with...
We like chatting about the weather, don't we? It's pretty common to compare the weather this year with that last year. What other things can we compare?
Are These Drills Harder Than Before?
Maybe, or maybe not...but at least you know how to talk about comparing things!
I Love Zero-Calorie Food!
John and Sakura are in the fast food shop. When Sakura ordered a Diet Coke, John wondered why she always drinks Diet Coke. Let's find out why Sakura loves Diet Coke so much!
She Used to Only Drink Soda
How healthy is diet coke anyway? We have to take all the factors into account!
Let's learn 20 new Kanji! for N3! (2)
There are always more kanji to learn!
Kanji! Kanji! Kanji!
We are starting to learn some kanji from high school as well! Are you keeping up?