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Paying Homage To Honorifics
The Japanese language has many ways to be polite, and also many ways to be respectful.
Paying Homage To Honorifics
The Japanese language has many ways to be polite, and also many ways to be respectful.
The Honorable Thing To Do
It can only be honorable to continue practice making なん questions with the vocabulary from the lesson Paying Homage To Honorifics.
Don't Stub Your 十
Revisit the kanji for 一 through 十 and learn their kun'yomi: another way to count!
The Revenge of the Kun'yomi
Practice the numbers ひとつ through とお and revisit the kanji 一 to 十 once more.
The Price Is Wrong
Let's learn how to talk how much, including yen and dollars, よ!
How Much Was That?
Practice the vocabulary and phrases from the lesson The Price Is Wrong.
Dig In!
Learn what to say before diving into delicious Japanese cuisine, and what to say after you've finished eating!
It's Rude To Do Drills With Your Mouth Full
Practice the situations and vocabulary from the lesson Dig In!
But I Don't Want To Grow Up!
In this lesson, we learn the counter for years old - さい - and how to ask questions about age. Knowing when it is appropriate to ask...that may be slightly trickier.
Eternally Young
Practice how to ask "how old are you" in a perfectly safe environment.
Telling Off Time
Tick tock, who's afraid of a clock. Time to learn counters for time!
Say When
Practice this pattern enough, and when on road trips, you can annoy friends and family in two languages!
Minute Minutia
Learn the counter for minutes and other expressions dealing with the telling of time.
Just Give Me One Minute
Let's practice the counter for minutes - ふん.
ジョンさん Goes To The Store
ジョンさん goes to the store and practices a few numbers.
Cake Or Cookies
Drill a few new expressions and conversational situations from the lesson ジョンさん Goes To The Store.