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"Not": A Problem With です
Learn how to make negative sentences by changing です to ではありません.
"Not": A Problem With です
Learn how to make negative sentences by changing です to ではありません.
Oh No, Not ではありません!
Use the "isn't" ではありません in patterns with nouns and な adjectives.
This. That. No, THAT.
Japanese has three words for "this" and "that": これ, それ, and あれ.
This, That, Or THAT?
Drill これ, それ, and あれ.
This One. That One. No, THAT One.
これ, それ, and あれ can only be used by themselves and not with nouns. Solution? Add の and we have この, その, and あの.
This One. And That One. And THAT One Too?
Let's practice この,その, and あの with drills.
"Not": The Problem With い Adjectives
い adjectives are special when they turn negative: say goodbye to い, meet your new friend く, and add an ありません.
Give In To The ~くありません
Practice converting い adjectives to the dark side.
Today's A Nice Day
Today's a nice day to learn some Japanese. Let's talk about the weather!
Talk About That Weather
Practice the vocabulary and expressions from the lesson "Today's A Nice Day."
Let's Talk About Verbs
We learn the negative form for verbs as well as get to know the particle を in a new pattern.
The Negative Side To Verbs
Change the ~ます to ~ません and use を with a few verbs.
アマンダさん Runs Into A Friend
Amanda runs into a friend she hasn't seen in a while, and they catch up over some coffee.
Work Hard And Good Luck!
Run some drills based on the vocabulary and conversational situations in the previous lesson, アマンダさん Runs Into A Friend.