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Long Legs And Low Spines
The particle が makes a return, and with the help of some adjectives, we learn how to describe people.
Long Legs And Low Spines
The particle が makes a return, and with the help of some adjectives, we learn how to describe people.
Tall Or Short
Practice the pattern to describe tall people, short people, and people with really long legs.
From Here To There
Here, there, everywhere! Two new particles in this lesson help us go from and to places.
And Back Again
It's important to know where you are coming from, and where you are going to, using the particles から and まで.
From Now Til Then
Let's take a further look at から and まで, and apply the two particles to additional situations involving time.
And Once Again
It's time for more practice with the particles から and まで!
To Be...Or To Be
There are two verbs for existence: いる, for animate things (people, animals, etc.) and inanimate objects (desks, tables, etc.).
It's Alive!
Animate, or inanimate? No, you won't be practicing with Frankenstein. Just the two verbs for "to be"!
Location, Location, Location
When we want to describe a location when using the verbs いる and ある, we use the particle に.
Look Out, It's Behind You!
Practice all of the new positional vocabulary in patterns with いる and ある.
All A Particle Of The Plan
Let's review the usages of に and で that we've learned, as well as look at how we can use を with verbs of motion.
High Speed Particles
Have you mastered the uses of the particles に, で, and を?
In, Or Out
Let's learn terms for family members and look at the concept of in-groups and out-groups.
All In The Family
Family terms can be tricky! Drill them until you know them instinctively.
Family Photos
Amanda shares some of her family photographs with her teacher.
Group Hug
Everyone gather around for a big hug! After which you should do your drills.