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Just Plain, No Mustard Or Mayonnaise
All of that polite and honorific language can become long and tiring! Let's talk plainly.
Just Plain, No Mustard Or Mayonnaise
All of that polite and honorific language can become long and tiring! Let's talk plainly.
Fly A Plain Form
Speak plainly and carry a big Japanese dictionary!
The Plain Godan
How do we convert the dictionary form of godan verbs to the negative? Read this lesson to learn this and other mysteries of the universe!
Getting A Little Fancy
Plainly, these godan verbs need to be shown who the boss is! Practice forming the negative from the dictionary form of godan verbs.
The Plain Ichidan
The mysteries of the universe (the Japanese language universe, at least) continue with the plain negative forms of ichidan verbs.
Getting More Fancy
Practice the ichidan verbs' plain forms until you can say them in your sleep!
The Plain い Adjectives
Forming the negatives of い adjectives is "い-z"! Actually, "z" has nothing to do with it.
Getting Quite Fancy
Have some fun with the い adjectives and practice turning them negative.