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Take A Kanji Break
Tired of all those verbs and adjectives? Mix things up with some good 'ole kanji!
Take A Kanji Break
Tired of all those verbs and adjectives? Mix things up with some good 'ole kanji!
You Deserve It
Five course dinner, spa treatment, front-row seats - and kanji drills. You deserve them all!
Just Think About It
Japanese uses a specific structure to express "I think..." Let's study hard and then share our opinions!
I Think, Therefore I Am と
Practice using the particle と with the verbs いう and おもう. Always remember to use the plain form first!
Can I Quote You On That?
と returns with another verb: いう, "to say." This lesson is going to be so quotable!
He Said, She Said
Let's not get into an argument about who said what. Instead, let's enjoy some new drills with the pattern ~といいます!
Son, We Need To Have A Talk
Kenichi and his mother have a short conversation at their home. Who is this girl, Amanda?
Listen Well
From mother to son, heartfelt words of concern and nosiness. Did you catch them all?