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The Te-form Reloaded
The te-form is not only for verbs. When you have a lot to say about your good or bad experiences, using the te-form, you can string together as many adjectives or nouns as you want in one sentence!
The Te-form Reloaded
The te-form is not only for verbs. When you have a lot to say about your good or bad experiences, using the te-form, you can string together as many adjectives or nouns as you want in one sentence!
て By て
te-form is not limited to verbs. Let's try to make the longest sentence with all the verbs and adjectives you've learned!
Man of Many Desires
We are full of desires. We want our dreams to come true someday. But how can we turn them into reality if we can't express them?! Let's learn how to express our hopes!
Time For Some ~たい
食べたい, 行きたい, 見たい, and 買いたい!! Only in this lesson, you can be extremely needy!
After a Long Day
Yumiko, a Japanese teacher, came home after a long, busy day. Dinner was ready...
I'm Just Too Tired!
Yumiko had a long and busy day! Being a hard-worker is great, but we all need to have a relaxed time at home.
A Beautiful Day!
The weather forecast says today is a beautiful day! Leave your umbrella at home, and go outside!t
The Weather Forecast
"The weather forecast says, the sky is blue. But it may rain later today. Why don't you take your red umbrella with you?" Now, can you count how many new kanji are there?
Another Te-form
Japanese kids sing "Be plus i-n-g" to memorize the present progressive form in English. We won't make you learn a song to remember the present progressive form in Japanese, but let's try to have some fun learning te-form + いる.
Another expression with the te-form! What are you doing now? I am TEa-ing!