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I'm Not Getting 古い!
We've learned how to say "I become~". Here are some new kanji that we can use in sentences about becoming something. But be careful -- never say "私は古くなりました"!
I'm Not Getting 古い!
We've learned how to say "I become~". Here are some new kanji that we can use in sentences about becoming something. But be careful -- never say "私は古くなりました"!
Don't Let a ショウ Get You Confused!
There are many kanji that have a same pronunciation but different meanings. You better get organized, or they make you confused easily!
I'm So Experienced!
Have you ever eaten さしみ (raw fish)? Have you been to Tokyo? Have you watched Japanese anime? Let's talk about your experiences as a Japanese learner!
Seeing is Believing!!
百聞は一見にしかず (ひゃくぶんはいっけんにしかず) -- one eye-witness is better than many hearsays. Let's try new things, then talk about them in Japanese!
You Can Count on Me!
Believe me, I can do anything! I can swim, run, jump, fly... Well not exactly fly.
I am So Capable!
You don't need to be shy! Let's talk about what you are good at. Everybody has some strength!
What's Your Hobby?
Many people feel that small talk in their second language is hard. So be prepared! Get ready for "commonly asked questions" like, しゅみは何ですか。
More ことs!
We've just learned ~ことができる in the previous lesson. こと is not limited to express your capability, but can be used in a variety of expressions! Let's give it a try!
Where There is a Will, There is a Way!
At this point, you know how to express your desires in Japanese. But what would you say if you are determined to do something, not just dream about it?
Let's Carry Out Your Plan!
Hoping is one thing, and carrying out your intention is another. You have a strong will to make your dream come true, don't you!?