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Too Many Duties -- くちゃくちゃ
Our life is full of duties! You MUST do your homework, you MUST work, you MUST help your family... Oh, and you MUST learn this expression: べんきょうしなくちゃ!
Too Many Duties -- くちゃくちゃ
Our life is full of duties! You MUST do your homework, you MUST work, you MUST help your family... Oh, and you MUST learn this expression: べんきょうしなくちゃ!
I Don't Need So Much Pressure!
Our life is full of duties! Now, we're learning to express our duties in Japanese! I know having more duties is annoying. Sorry, we "have to"! -- べんきょうしなくちゃ!
Never Say "べんきょうしなくてもいい"!!
Are you tired of having too many things to do? Then you'll love this lesson! We're learning how to free you from all your duties!
Relaxing Time!
We've learned so many ways to say what you have to do. Don't you think it's time to learn how to say "you do NOT have to ~"? Let's give it a try!
New Year's Resolutions?!
People often make New Year's resolutions in the beginning of a new year. Have you ever accomplished your resolution? Let's see what will happen to Sakura and John's resolutions.
We Love Kotatsu!
It looks like John and Sakura are being too optimistic! It's good to be relaxed in a warm kotatsu, but it might be time to face reality!
Do Fish Have Ears?
Let's master some more kanji for body parts! Oh, the answer to this question is sort of "Yes" because many of fish have openings like ear canals that can sense vibrations in the water. Interesting, isn't it?!
カタカナ or かんじ?
Look at the new kanji 口!! It's exactly the same as the katakana ロ -- Buy one get one free! It's your lucky day!
It's Okay to Talk About Likes and Dislikes!
You may think Japanese people tend to be introverted, and that in Japan you shouldn't really speak your mind. Actually, no, this is not true! It is fine to talk about your "likes" and "dislikes." Let's get some practice!
No Accounting for Taste
Sometimes, it's good to talk about your likes and dislikes with other people. People can have totally different tastes -- even your friends' likes and dislikes may turn out to be something you didn't expect!