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たれ is a kind of dressing, and たら is a kind of fish. Then what is たり? Let's master another way of connecting sentences!
たれ is a kind of dressing, and たら is a kind of fish. Then what is たり? Let's master another way of connecting sentences!
Et Cetera and エトセトラ
It's not always easy to tell others what you have done or what you're going to do. Just master this expression, and you won't have to be so detailed!
Are You Up for a Challenge?!
The te-form is back! You'll be learning another way of using the te-form here! Don't worry, this is super easy and you'll want to use this expression a lot!
Give It a Try!
Don't be afraid of a new challenge! Some people say, "It's better to regret doing something than to regret not doing it." This might be true!
Let Me Do You a Favor!
They say that "the good you do for others is good you do yourself." But if you don't know how to offer help, you can't help others! Let's master a nice way of offering "goods" to others.
You Are So Generous !!
It's very nice to stand by your friends in times of need! Let's master how to offer help and how to get help in Japanese. Oh, but be careful! You should know what your friend needs before you offer help. Otherwise, your favor might be an "unwelcome favor"!!
Happy お花見 Day!
Spring is a beautiful season! Japanese people enjoy お花見 -- watching cherry blossoms in this season. Let's talk about お花見 by using the expressions we learned.
The Spring Has Come!
Finally, the severe winter is over! It's a beautiful season. Why don't we learn how Japanese people celebrate the arrival of spring?
Keep Studying 朝, 昼, and 夜!
You think some kanji have too many strokes? Then take them apart! For example, the kanji 朝 is made up of four parts: 十, 日, 十, and 月! Got it?!
It's Good to "Know" 知る!!
You might be feeling like you've studied so many kanji. Good news for you! You're "almost" done with the kanji for the beginner level! Be proud of yourself. You've done great!