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No One Can Live Alone!
We've learned how to use the te-form + あげる and もらう. We'll be mastering another te-form expression in this lesson: te-form + くれる. Similar, but a little different!
No One Can Live Alone!
We've learned how to use the te-form + あげる and もらう. We'll be mastering another te-form expression in this lesson: te-form + くれる. Similar, but a little different!
I Need Your Favor Seriously!
It's good to be independent. But, you know, we all need somebody's some help sometimes. Then, it'll make you feel better to know the "politest" way of asking a favor just in case!
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk!
Everybody makes mistakes! If you do something wrong, reflect on it and never do it again! Oh, you need this lesson because you can't reflect without knowing how to express your mistake!
Let's Get This Drill Done!
このドリルをすませてしまいましょう!-- Did you understand this sentence? Then, you've mastered the new expression the te-form + しまう. Great job!
I'm Not Whining!! -- たらたら
たらたら is used to describe somebody complains about something over and over. But the たら in this lesson is different. It's not about complaining, but about recommending something to others or getting recommendations from others.
Easier Said Than Done
もっとべんきょうしたらいい -- It's easy to say but not to carry out! We all wish we had a stronger will sometimes.
We Made the First Step! -- はじめの一歩!
Can you believe that you've learned more than 100 kanji so far?! We still have to learn a lot more kanji to become a Nihongo Master, but you can be proud of yourself for making such a big 一歩 (step)!!
歩く or 走る? Just Keep It Up!
You've studied more than 100 kanji by now!! Yes, 100! That's a big number, isn't it?! You don't need to 走る (run) all the time. When you are tired of studying, just slow down and 歩く (walk). The most important thing is that you keep going!
That’s Not Fair!
Welcoming a guest is a lot of fun. But it can be stressful if you have to hurry too much. At Sakura's place, the person who gets stressed by having a guest isn't the hostess, obviously!
You're Too Demanding!
It's nice to help others. But if the person were too demanding, you would want to scream "ずるい!," wouldn't you? That's what happened to Ryu.