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We're So Gossipy!!
It's ugly to be gossipy!! But is there anyone who has never engaged in a little gossip? Let's learn how to retell what you've heard from someone else in Japanese. あまり、むずかしくないそうです。
We're So Gossipy!!
It's ugly to be gossipy!! But is there anyone who has never engaged in a little gossip? Let's learn how to retell what you've heard from someone else in Japanese. あまり、むずかしくないそうです。
I've Heard...
Modern society is full of information. It would be great if you could verify all the information by yourself, but it's impossible! Then you definitely need this expression: "I've heard..."
The Word Impossible is NOT in My Dictionary
We've already learned how to say "I can do something" using ~ことができる. Now please don't be upset when we tell you that there's actually another way of saying "I can do~" that is shorter! With just a simple step, you'll be able to express even more ideas!
Tongue Twisters!?
You might have found that pronouncing ら, り, る, れ, and ろ can be challenging for your tongue. Then you will get some practice as you learn this new conjugation!
We Can Do More and More!
Has れる・られる for ichidan verbs tortured you enough? Ah, but remember -- we have another two groups of verbs: godan and irregular. Let's knock them out! We can do it!
No Break for Your Tongue!
You've gotten enough られる? But we shouldn't forget about "godan verbs" and "irregular verbs"! Don't worry. You may find their "potential forms" are easier than those of ichidan verbs.
The Extended Family
You can never skip kanji lessons if you want to be a Japanese master, regardless of your likes and dislikes. In this lesson, we'll be learning more kanji for your family members, and that can be very useful!
A Big Family!
If you have a small family, you may think it would be fun to have a big family. If you have a big family, you may wish you had a quieter home. That is what is called "ないものねだり" -- or crying for the moon, to use an English phrase. Just appreciate your family!
Never Give-Up! You CAN Do It!
You might have met people who can do EVERYTHING! Are they supermen and superwomen? Maybe not. Challenge yourself some more. You may find that you can do better!
Breaking the Record!
You might have met people who can do "everything." Are they supermen or superwomen? It's not worth it to be jealous. Actually, "there is no limit to excellence." Let's do what you can do at this point. How about you just enjoy this manga?