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Repentance Comes Too Late
The title of this lesson is so true! Sometimes, we really wish we could turn back the clock, don't we?
Repentance Comes Too Late
The title of this lesson is so true! Sometimes, we really wish we could turn back the clock, don't we?
Full of Regret
The ba-form is used to express your regrets. Life is not easy, and you may regret many things. Master this expression! You won't regret this, at least.
Glad News!
Good news always makes you happy. Then you may want to learn how to express your happy feelings! Here we go!
Great Decision!
When you look back at your past, you may find that you've made some great decisions. Let's talk about them, and feel happy!
Then What?
You already learned the particle と, didn't you? Well, as you may know, particles can function in several different ways. Let's find out about the new と in this lesson!
What's Next?
Particles in Japanese can be tricky. Just the one letter と can have an important function when it's used as a particle. Let's find out the power of と!
City Life or Country Life?
How would you identify yourself? -- Are you an urban child or a country child? Both lives have advantages, and it's hard to choose, isn't it?!
Living Environment
Your living environment really matters! It would be great if you were happy about where you are, but that's not always the case. You can identify yourself as a city person or a country person using these kanji!?
Life is a Drama!?
You can never put your words back into your mouth once they're out! Think twice before you say something, especially when you're talking to somebody special! If not, you might experience a drama like Kenichi!
Don't Take it Personally!
Uh oh! Sometimes a girl can be so dramatic! Let's find out what happened to Amanda and Kenichi this time!