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Absolute Obedience!!
In this lesson, you'll be learning "the imperative form." You may not use this form unless you have a dog which understands Japanese (!) But it's good to know because you may hear this form in your favorite anime or drama.
Absolute Obedience!!
In this lesson, you'll be learning "the imperative form." You may not use this form unless you have a dog which understands Japanese (!) But it's good to know because you may hear this form in your favorite anime or drama.
No Whining, Just Study!
We don't need to use the "imperative forms," but we do need to understand them. We may hear them in an emergency, such as a bank robbery!
Don’t Cross Me!
You already know how to ask somebody NOT to do something by using the expression ~ないでください or its short form ~ないで. But imagine that your kid is running into a busy street!! In that case, you may need to know shorter and more effective way of commanding!
Don't Challenge Me!
When you hear a negative imperative form, you'd better obey the person because he/she really means that!
I’m Bound to Learn Japanese!
Everybody must have had this experience -- in an exam, you can't recall a word that you have learned. That's frustrating, isn't it?! You may say, "I am supposed to know the word!" How would you express this "be supposed to" in Japanese? You are supposed to know that! Let's get started on this lesson now.
Expectations SHOULD be Met
You often suppose something to be the case. Your expectations are not always met, but it's good to know how to express them in Japanese!
Be a Veggie Lover!
Vegetables are good for your health. That's what everybody knows. It's easy to say, but it's not easy to love and eat enough veggies. To become a veggie lover, you may want to start to love these kanji!
Veggies, Veggies, and More Veggies!
Let's learn how to "produce" and "sell" "vegetables" in Japanese! That helps your brain grow!
Mom Has Absolute Authority?!
As a child, you must obey what your parents tell you. Hmm, but, in this scene, it looks like Ryu is abusing the "borrowed authority" of their mom!
Sibling Love!
Hmm, it looks like Ryu and Sakura fight a lot but they care for each other. Brotherly love is beautiful, isn't it?