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Your Excellency!
As you may know, in Japanese culture, being polite to your elders is very important. It's not easy, but this is a good thing to master to enjoy a "smooth" life in Japan!
Your Excellency!
As you may know, in Japanese culture, being polite to your elders is very important. It's not easy, but this is a good thing to master to enjoy a "smooth" life in Japan!
You Can't Be Too Honorific
Mastering honorific verbs might be hard. But it's worth it to learn them. You may offend somebody by being rude, but you would never offend anybody by being too honorific!
The Customer is Always Right!
In Japanese, there is a saying "おきゃくさまは、かみさまです" (The customer is a god). Let's pretend to be a server who attends a picky customer! Be as polite as possible!
Respectfully Needy?!
Giving respect to your elders or superiors is very important in Japanese culture. Still, you may need to make a request or give advice to your superiors sometimes. Let's master how to be "respectfully needy"!
Everybody Has a Bad Day
Yes! Everyone has a bad day once in a while. Sometimes you get irritated when someone annoys you. But don't complain that much! You might be annoying someone else without knowing!
Passively Annoying!
Do NOT translate 兄にケーキを食べられた as "I was eaten by my big brother"!! You need to understand the concept of "passive verbs" well.
Top From Your Neck
We've mastered some kanji for our body parts, such as 手, 足, 口, and 目. Look at your body! We have a lot more parts to learn! Use your 頭!!
Get Better 頭 by Learning More Kanji!
Learning new kanji can be painful sometimes. But you know what? Your brain-頭 is getting a lot of exercise! Don't spoil your 頭; you can make it better and better with kanji!
Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire!
It looks like Kenichi has come up with an exciting idea. Let's see what his plan is!
Magnificent Plan!
It's always great to have a big dream for your future -- regardless of what motivated you to create that dream. But it looks like Amanda is not happy about Kenichi's motivation. Uh oh!