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Who’s the Cause?
When you're tired, you may want somebody else to do your work. That is, you may want to "make" somebody to work for you! Then you need to master this lesson first. (Although unfortunately it's impossible to make somebody study for you.)
Who’s the Cause?
When you're tired, you may want somebody else to do your work. That is, you may want to "make" somebody to work for you! Then you need to master this lesson first. (Although unfortunately it's impossible to make somebody study for you.)
Don't Push Me Around!
It's annoying when someone MAKES you do something. Why don't you be the one who MAKES somebody work by mastering this lesson?!
Let’s Determine the Cause!
In the previous lesson you learned the "causative" form. Now let's use this form as many times as possible!
Let Me Become Generous!
It is said, "Compassion is not for other people's benefit." So true! Let's learn to become generous to others by learning the expressions with the te-form of the causative form of verbs!
Nobody Succeeds Without Working
So true!! If you want to succeed in something, just keep working hard! But it's not recommended to work WITHOUT sleeping or eating.
A Mountain of Tasks!
Don't get scared by a Mountain of -- 山のような -- things to learn! There is always a goal, if you keep making progress step by step.
Open Sesame!
If there was a 自動ドア in the time of "Arabian Nights," people might have thought it was a magic door. Oh, you don't know what a 自動ドア is? Then come back after you finish this lesson!
You're on the Right Track!
進む means to go forward. 進みましょう! -- Keep going! You're doing great in your study of Japanese!
Daddy’s Long Night
Having a daughter might be stressful. Let's see what happened to Yumiko and her father.
Balance Your Life!
It's great to have a career! But be careful! Aren't you a "workaholic"? You should maintain a good balance between your work and your private life!