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Automatically or Transitively
When something breaks, there are two possibilities: somebody broke it or it broke by itself (e.g., it got too old). You'd like to be able to express this difference, wouldn't you? If so, let's get this lesson started!
Automatically or Transitively
When something breaks, there are two possibilities: somebody broke it or it broke by itself (e.g., it got too old). You'd like to be able to express this difference, wouldn't you? If so, let's get this lesson started!
Learn in Pairs!
We've learned some transitive-intransitive pairs of verbs in the lesson. You should never separate them! Let's master them in pairs!
Was That My Fault?!
Just like in the previous lesson, you'll be learning some "transitive-intransitive pairs" in this lesson. The verbs in the pairs look very similar, but you must choose the correct one.
Pairs, Pairs, More Pairs!
The concept of transitive-intransitive verbs shouldn't be so confusing. But mastering them is a different story, isn't it? Memorizing them in phrases might help!
Strong in the Rain and Wind
Here is a translation of a famous phrase by the Japanese author Kenji Miyazawa. "Strong in the rain, strong in the wind." Yes! We need to overcome hardships in our life! Why don't you overcome this lesson first?
Even if it Should Rain Pitchforks!
Sometimes in our life, we have to accomplish some tasks EVEN IF it should rain pitchforks, don't we? This drill is one of them! Let's get it started!
More Haste, Less Speed
So true! In Japanese, the title can be translated as 急がばまわれ(いそがば まわれ). No short cuts! You need to take steady steps especially when you're in a hurry.
Wake Up, and Move Quickly!
Don't waste your time! "The early bird catches the worm." -- so true! Why don't you catch these kanji first?
A Weak-Willed Planner?
Having a solid financial plan is crucial for your life. Let's see what Kenichi thinks about his financial status. Hmm....there is still a lot for him to learn.
Tomorrow Will Take Care of Itself?
You could say "tomorrow is another day" when you feel down. But you should never say that in terms of your money! Hopefully, Kenichi will learn something from Amanda.