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The More You Study
The more you study, of course, the more Japanese you can speak! Let's master some more expressions!
The More You Study
The more you study, of course, the more Japanese you can speak! Let's master some more expressions!
Ring the Changes!
When you're learning to speak a foreign language, what you can say is limited, and so you might get frustrated. But there's no quick solution. You just need to learn more and more vocabulary and expressions!
What Should be Done?
Everybody has some duties. You may want to let them wait sometimes. But, you know, you would feel much better by getting your duties done than putting them off! How about getting this lesson done first?
Do Your Duty!
It's not easy to do everything that you want to in your busy life. Just give priority to what you should do! And your top priority is this drill, of course!
Serving to Begin
Do you feel excited when you face a new challenge? Anything can be tough when you try it for the first time. Remember, any expert was a beginner before!
Summing Up!
You must have met a person at some point who talks for unnecessarily long stretches. You may want to sum up his/her comments by using the new expression, つまり. But don't do this with your boss!
Actions in Kanji!
Let's learn some kanji that express "actions"! After this lesson, you will be able to write about many of your activities in kanji!
Write Your Activities!
One good way to master a new language is to write a diary in that language. Now, you can write your "activities" with kanji! How about starting to keep a Japanese diary today?
Cooking and Eating!
Do you like cooking? It looks like John has been into Asian cuisine, now. For John, cooking is as fun as eating. -- But not for Sakura...
Give and Take!?
It's people helping each other that makes the world go round. But in the case of Sakura, her give and take is not well balanced.