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For the Sake of...
You might have been asked why you're studying Japanese. There are all sorts of good reasons. After this lesson, you'll be able to describe your reason, or purpose, for studying Japanese! Cool, isn't it?
For the Sake of...
You might have been asked why you're studying Japanese. There are all sorts of good reasons. After this lesson, you'll be able to describe your reason, or purpose, for studying Japanese! Cool, isn't it?
Sense of Purpose
You can't keep studying without a sense of purpose! Let's find a goal for your studying and keep going!
Tell the Reason!
In this lesson, you'll be mastering how to use the word わけ. You'll be surprised at how many ways this short word can be used!
Everything is in Reason?
It would be good if everything about languages is reasonable! When you study a foreign language, you may find some unreasonable expressions. We may need to learn to enjoy the irrationality of languages!
Anything is Sufficient?
You might have had some trouble learning Japanese particles. You might wonder, are they that important? -- Yes, actually! You'll see how they can affect the whole sentence in this lesson!
So Depending!
Do you believe in "fate"? Even if you do, it's probably good not to abandon yourself to it. Your future totally depends on your will!
Mother Nature!
Are you getting tired of your busy urban life? Do you want to take a break? Then let's talk about mother nature "in kanji"!
It's Movie Time!
Let's think about the word 映画 (えいが-- movie). 映 means "to project" and 画 means "picture." "Project pictures" = 映画 (movie). Kanji are so neat, aren't they?
What's Your Priority?
Would you give priority to your studies or to your leisure time? Sometimes it's hard to set your "things-to-do" priorities. Let's see what Amanda's top priority is.
Matsuri Animal?!
If you love to go to parties, you might be called a "party animal." So we might want to call Amanda a "matsuri animal"!