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Too Many Requests?
Sometimes we need to request or ask somebody to do a certain thing. You may want to describe your detailed request. Here's the expression for that!
Too Many Requests?
Sometimes we need to request or ask somebody to do a certain thing. You may want to describe your detailed request. Here's the expression for that!
I'm Begging!!
Try not to get overloaded! There should always be somebody who's ready to help you.
What’s the Speciality?
What is your hometown famous for? Or, you may find some local specialty of a city where you visit. Let's talk about the specialties in Japanese!
Full of New Expressions!
The new expression ~だらけ is used to describe "to be full of something." Being full of new expressions is great, isn't it?
There’s No Doubt!
There is nothing wrong about arguing! You shouldn't give in so easily. Let's master how to describe that you're 100% sure about your opinion!
For You...
Needless to say, every person is different. So it will be good to know the expression "~にとって (for somebody ....)" to express all of the differences.
Hot or Cold?
Which do you use to refer air temperature, Celsius or Fahrenheit? If you're used to use degrees Fahrenheit, you may need to learn Celsius before you visit Japan.
So Convenient Kanji!
Are you tired of kanji by now or are you really into them? Even if you're not a big fan, you can't deny how convenient they are. Let's master some more kanji!
Visiting Dad’s Workplace
Have you ever visited your parent's workplace? If not, you should think about it. You may find a different aspect of your Mom or Dad!
Devil for Study?!
おに (devil) can be used in a funny way in Japanese. What are you a "devil" for?