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Just Noticed!
Wow! We've just NOTICED that we're finishing the lessons for the JLPT N4 now! Be aware of the exam and keep going!
Just Noticed!
Wow! We've just NOTICED that we're finishing the lessons for the JLPT N4 now! Be aware of the exam and keep going!
Begin Studying!
Sometimes you're not in the mood for studying. Do you usually wait until you get motivated? That's wrong! Just begin studying now, and your motivation will follow you!
Impossible is Impossible
Some people say that dreams come true if you wish. But "impossible is impossible"! Sometimes, we need to accept the reality.
Leave it to Me!
Everyone has their limitations. So it's ok to leave something to your friend to do sometimes! But you can never leave the task of studying to someone else.
No Matter When, No Matter Where
Friends are priceless. It would make your life happier if you have a friend who you can count on "no matter when" and "no matter where," isn't it?
More Desires!
You already know how to express your own desires. Now you should know how to describe what someone else desires!
Some Kanji Waiting for You
We've mastered several useful verbs such as "まつ (to wait)" and "とおる (to pass)." It's always good to know how to write the useful words in kanji!
Bygone Days
You might be too young to think nostalgically of days gone by. Still, you need to learn these kanji!
Leave Your Fate to Deity?
When you're desperate, you may want to pray God even if you are not religious. That is understandable, but you should try hard before you just pray to God for help, shouldn't you?
Praying to Charms
Have you ever seen an おまもり (charm)? It's said that it can bring you good luck. But even with a charm, you shouldn't forget to keep trying by yourself.
Some More Kanji to Finish Up!
It is unbelievable that you've just finished all the lessons for the JLPT N4! Let's get this "additional" kanji lesson done before the exam. Then, you'll be all set!
The Final Stage!
Be proud of yourself! You've now reached the final lesson for the Japanese Proficiency Test N4!