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H is for Hiragana は to ほ, M is for More Kana ま to も
This lesson covers hiragana that start with the "H" and "M" sounds. Learn how to properly pronounce ふ and remember the difference between は and ほ! Then push through the "M" column with its tricky lookalikes.
H is for Hiragana は to ほ
This lesson covers hiragana that start with the "H" sound. Learn how to properly pronounce ふ and remember the difference between は and ほ!
Hiragana Drills は to ほ
は to ほ are going to be used often in the next lesson. How well do you know them? Add these drills and find out!
Introducing Handakuten: ば to ぽ
The "H" sound in "H hiragana" can be changed to either a "B" or a "P" sound. To change "Ha" to "Ba", we use the already familiar dakuten. To change the "Ha" to "Pa", we'll use something unique to "P" hiragana: handakuten.
Dakuten or Handakuten? ば to ぽ
You've dealt with dakuten before. Let's see how you handle handakuten! Can you remember the only consonant that uses handakuten?
Mastering Consonant M: Hiragana from ま to も
Hiragana that start with consonant M don't contain exceptions just like the N hiragana. But there are some M hiragana that can easily be confused with N hiragana! Don't panic, we'll tell you what characters to look out for!
Do You Know Your Hiragana ま to も?
We've given you some pointers on how to tell hiragana from ま to も, it's time to put them to the test! See if you can match sounds to the characters AND remember the vocabulary.