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Japanese Lessons
2 lessons
Is That So?
Learn how to provide shortened answers with そうです and stay in the conversation with そうですか.
7 lessons
Watch Out For Number 4
Let’s learn the first set of numbers 1 to 10. Watch out, though, the number 4 can be deadly.
8 lessons
Paying Homage To Honorifics
The Japanese language has many ways to be polite, and also many ways to be respectful.
6 lessons
Yes, I Understand
Let's talk about our first verbs, how to ask how to say things in Japanese, right and wrong, and the mysteries of the universe!
7 lessons
"Not": A Problem With です
Learn how to make negative sentences by changing です to ではありません.
6 lessons
Back To The Verbs
We go back to the present and future with verbs, meet the particle が, and start using なに in questions with verbs.
3 lessons
Really! I Mean, Really!
Let's learn about adverbs, a type of word that helps us qualify what we mean. Watch out for the tricky ones that can only be used in negative sentences!
5 lessons
I Love And I Hate
There are special words for "like" and "dislike": すき and きらい, and they take the particle が.
6 lessons
Comings And Goings
We learn the verb to go, いきます, as well as the particle to put on the place you are going to: に.
8 lessons
Long Legs And Low Spines
The particle が makes a return, and with the help of some adjectives, we learn how to describe people.
3 lessons
Three Lefts Make A Right
But two wrongs do not! Learn the kanji for left, right, and more.
3 lessons
Weekday Kanji
Master the characters used in the days of the week!
4 lessons
Keeping It In The Family
Let's learn more familial terms, from younger siblings to aunts and uncles!
4 lessons
Godzilla Vs. Kanji
This particular match up may not have made the big screen. Let's master some kanji, in any case.
3 lessons
Fashion Week
When talking about clothes, it pays to be specific! Japanese uses different verbs to describe wearing different articles of clothing.
4 lessons
Just Plain, No Mustard Or Mayonnaise
All of that polite and honorific language can become long and tiring! Let's talk plainly.
5 lessons
The Good, The Bad, And The Kanji
We have quite the line-up of kanji for you in this lesson! Jump in and make them your own.
4 lessons
Take A Kanji Break
Tired of all those verbs and adjectives? Mix things up with some good 'ole kanji!
4 lessons
Call Me, Kanji
There's something electric in the air! These kanji are certainly something to talk about.
4 lessons
For A Few Kanji More
Up next in your kanji quest are the characters for read, write, think, listen, say and buy.
5 lessons
Do You Feel The Kanji??
Would you like to take a break from your study?! No! You can't take a break before you learn the kanji 休む.
5 lessons
The Te-form Reloaded
The te-form is not only for verbs. When you have a lot to say about your good or bad experiences, using the te-form, you can string together as many adjectives or nouns as you want in one sentence!
5 lessons
One More Te-Form!
I know! You're getting tired of the te-forms! But we can't stop learning te-forms until we master this lesson!
5 lessons
Shall We Dance?
What shall we do today? Shall we watch a movie? Shall we have a cup of tea? Shall we go shopping? Let's talk about what we want to do!
5 lessons
I'm Not Getting 古い!
We've learned how to say "I become~". Here are some new kanji that we can use in sentences about becoming something. But be careful -- never say "私は古くなりました"!
5 lessons
さくらちゃん、あぶない!- Sakura in Trouble!
One day, Sakura was relaxing at a cafe while she waited for John and her brother. But a stranger disturbed her quiet time!
5 lessons
私が一ばん!-- I am number 1!!
We've learned how to compare two things. But what do we say to pick the "best" of all? Let's give it a try!
5 lessons
Too Many Duties -- くちゃくちゃ
Our life is full of duties! You MUST do your homework, you MUST work, you MUST help your family... Oh, and you MUST learn this expression: べんきょうしなくちゃ!
5 lessons
たれ is a kind of dressing, and たら is a kind of fish. Then what is たり? Let's master another way of connecting sentences!
5 lessons
No One Can Live Alone!
We've learned how to use the te-form + あげる and もらう. We'll be mastering another te-form expression in this lesson: te-form + くれる. Similar, but a little different!