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Japanese Lessons
5 lessons
Anything is Possible!
Everything would be so much easier if you could be sure about what's going to happen. You can never be sure about your future, but you can make a guess. Think about all the possibilities you have!
5 lessons
We're So Gossipy!!
It's ugly to be gossipy!! But is there anyone who has never engaged in a little gossip? Let's learn how to retell what you've heard from someone else in Japanese. あまり、むずかしくないそうです。
5 lessons
Before, After, and While
It's been a while since we learned how to say "before" and "after." Let's refresh your memory, then add another expression "while"!
5 lessons
Proud of Yourself!
Do you remember when you started to study Japanese? At that time, you didn't even know how to read and write hiragana. Now, you have "come to be able to" express many things in Japanese! You should be proud of yourself, and keep going!
5 lessons
Wish Me Good Luck!
You may already know the expression がんばって, which you use to encourage someone. This is not the only way to wish someone good luck. Let's master another expression to wish good luck to your friends and yourself!
5 lessons
Just a Little Bit
When you visit Japan, some people may ask you if you speak Japanese. You do, but not that fluently. What would you say in response? This expression is very handy for a Japanese learner like you!
5 lessons
Keep it on!
At the end of a long, hard day, all you want is to get home and relax. Wouldn't it be perfect if there was some beer on ice when you got home? Well, you need to master this lesson before you enjoy the beer!
5 lessons
Repentance Comes Too Late
The title of this lesson is so true! Sometimes, we really wish we could turn back the clock, don't we?
5 lessons
Absolute Obedience!!
In this lesson, you'll be learning "the imperative form." You may not use this form unless you have a dog which understands Japanese (!) But it's good to know because you may hear this form in your favorite anime or drama.
5 lessons
Your Excellency!
As you may know, in Japanese culture, being polite to your elders is very important. It's not easy, but this is a good thing to master to enjoy a "smooth" life in Japan!
5 lessons
Who’s the Cause?
When you're tired, you may want somebody else to do your work. That is, you may want to "make" somebody to work for you! Then you need to master this lesson first. (Although unfortunately it's impossible to make somebody study for you.)
5 lessons
Against My Will
Sometimes you are forced to do something by your parents, boss, or friends. In these situations, you need to know how to express your unhappiness!
5 lessons
Automatically or Transitively
When something breaks, there are two possibilities: somebody broke it or it broke by itself (e.g., it got too old). You'd like to be able to express this difference, wouldn't you? If so, let's get this lesson started!
5 lessons
No Weak Points!
No, this title is not right. Everybody has some weak points. Be honest, and talk about your strengths and weakness "in Japanese"!
5 lessons
Just in Case!
We've mastered many expressions in Japanese. You won't necessarily have the chance to use them all, but "just in case" you need to master as many expressions as possible!
5 lessons
The First Experience
Do you like to try new things? Anyone can feel nervous when trying something new. Don't be afraid of your first experience!
5 lessons
The More You Study
The more you study, of course, the more Japanese you can speak! Let's master some more expressions!
5 lessons
For the Sake of...
You might have been asked why you're studying Japanese. There are all sorts of good reasons. After this lesson, you'll be able to describe your reason, or purpose, for studying Japanese! Cool, isn't it?
5 lessons
Too Many Requests?
Sometimes we need to request or ask somebody to do a certain thing. You may want to describe your detailed request. Here's the expression for that!
6 lessons
Just Noticed!
Wow! We've just NOTICED that we're finishing the lessons for the JLPT N4 now! Be aware of the exam and keep going!