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Welcome to Nihongo Master and your first Hiragana lessons!
Are you ready to learn Japanese? Learn quickly about Nihongo Master then dive into learning your first Japanese characters!
Welcome to Nihongo Master
Prepare yourself to become the next Nihongo Master. Find out about the features of this site and some tips on how to make your learning adventure as fun as possible.
The Hiragana Vowels: あ to お
We introduce our first set of Hiragana, the set of vowels which are used in the rest of the Hiragana kana.
Vowel Drills: あ to お
Make sure you know あ to お and their example vocabulary. These hiragana will show up constantly! So practice, practice, practice!
Hiragana Consonants and Vowels: か to こ
In our second Hiragana lesson, we will start to combine a consonant with a vowel to make up additional Kana.
Consonants + Vowels: か to こ
Now we're taking things to the next level. We've gone over a second set of characters. Can you keep up with these characters without forgetting the ones before? Not to mention, the words you just learned. Add this drill now to make sure you remember them all!
Hiragana with Dakuten: が to ご
When you add a Dakuten to certain Hiragana, it changes the consonant. We'll show you how and introduce five more characters that use it.
Dakuten Drills: が to ご
These hiragana look like hiragana from another drill, but these aren't the same. Think you can remember which is which? Add this drill to make sure you don't get confused!