Japanese Dictionary
- Kanji literal and JLPT
Kanji Details for 終
終 JLPT 4
Print Practice Sheet
- シュウ
- お.わる
- -お.わる
- おわ.る
- お.える
- つい
- つい.に
end, finish
Popular Words With This Kanji
仕舞う, 終う, 了う, 蔵う
to finish; to close; to do something completely; to put away; to put an end to
終わる, 終る, 了わる, 卒わる, 畢わる, 竟わる
to finish; to end; to close
終わる, 終る, 了わる, 卒わる, 畢わる, 竟わる
to finish; to end; to close