Japanese Dictionary
- Kanji literal and JLPT
Kanji Details for 上
上 JLPT 5 - Strokes count
Strokes: 3
- Radicals
Radicals: 一
- ジョウ
- ショウ
- シャン
- うえ
- -うえ
- うわ-
- かみ
- あ.げる
- -あ.げる
- あ.がる
- -あ.がる
- あ.がり
- -あ.がり
- のぼ.る
- のぼ.り
- のぼ.せる
- のぼ.す
- よ.す
Popular Words With This Kanji
以上, 已上
not less than; ... and more; ... and upwards
beyond ... (e.g. one's means); further (e.g. nothing further to say); more than ... (e.g. cannot pay more than that)
above-mentioned; foregoing
since ...; seeing that ...
this is all; that is the end; the end
以上, 已上
not less than; ... and more; ... and upwards
beyond ... (e.g. one's means); further (e.g. nothing further to say); more than ... (e.g. cannot pay more than that)
above-mentioned; foregoing
since ...; seeing that ...
this is all; that is the end; the end
above; up; over; elder (e.g. daughter)
top; summit
surface; on
before; previous
superiority; one's superior (i.e. one's elder)
on top of that; besides; what's more
upon (further inspection, etc.); based on (and occurring after)
matters concerning...; as concerns ...
since (i.e. "for that reason")
suffix indicating higher social standing
place of one's superior (i.e. the throne)
emperor; sovereign; shogun; daimyo
noblewoman (esp. the wife of a nobleman)