Japanese Dictionary
- Kanji literal and JLPT
Kanji Details for 据
据 JLPT 1
Print Practice Sheet
- キョ
- す.える
- す.わる
set, lay a foundation, install, equip, squat down, sit down
Popular Words With This Kanji
座る, 坐る, 据わる, 据る
to sit; to squat
to assume (a position)
to hold steady; to hold still
座る, 坐る, 据わる, 据る
to sit; to squat
to assume (a position)
to hold steady; to hold still
to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation)
to install; to seat (someone)
to settle (upon something); to fix (e.g. one's gaze)
to apply (moxa)