Japanese Dictionary
- Kanji literal and JLPT
Kanji Details for 懐
懐 JLPT 1
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- カイ
- エ
- ふところ
- なつ.かしい
- なつ.かしむ
- なつ.く
- なつ.ける
- なず.ける
- いだ.く
- おも.う
pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast
Popular Words With This Kanji
思う, 想う, 念う, 憶う, 懐う, 惟う
to think; to consider; to believe
to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
to judge; to assess; to regard
to imagine; to suppose; to dream
to expect; to look forward to
to feel; to desire; to want
to recall; to remember
抱く, 懐く
to embrace; to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby); to hug
to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor); to bear (e.g. a grudge); to entertain (e.g. suspicion)
to have sex with; to make love to; to sleep with
to sit on eggs
dear; desired; missed