Japanese Dictionary

Kanji literal and JLPT

Kanji Details for 紕

Strokes count

Strokes: 10



Print Practice Sheet
braiding, decoration, error

Popular Words With This Kanji

  • 迷う, 紕う

    to lose one's way

    to waver; to hesitate; to be of two minds over; to be puzzled; to be perplexed

    to give into temptation; to lose control of oneself

    to turn in one's grave

  • 迷い, 紕い, 紕

    hesitation; bewilderment; doubt; indecision

    inability to reach enlightenment

  • 迷い, 紕い, 紕

    hesitation; bewilderment; doubt; indecision

    inability to reach enlightenment