Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of プンプン in Japanese

プンプン, ぷんぷん
punpun, punpun
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    adverb (fukushi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru, adverb taking the `to' particle
    intense smell (hanging around)
    Example sentence
    に座ったウイスキーのにおいプンプンとさせてがまんできなかった I just couldn't put up with the man smelling of whisky sitting next to me.
  • Parts of speech
    state of being furious or angry
    Example sentence
    部屋香水のにおいぷんぷんしていた The room was pervaded with the scent of perfume.

Examples of , プンプン, ぷんぷん in a sentence