Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 矢っ張り in Japanese
矢っ張り, 矢張り, 矢っ張, 矢っ張しJLPT 4
Kana Readingやっぱり, やはり, やっぱ, やっぱし
Romajiyappari, yahari, yappa, yappashi
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), adverb (fukushi), noun or verb acting prenominally
- Meaning
- also; as I thought; still; in spite of; absolutely; of course
Examples of 矢っ張り, 矢張り, 矢っ張, 矢っ張し, やっぱり, やはり, やっぱ, やっぱし in a sentence
I've thought about it, and what we're doing is just not right, so let's break up after today.
You'll have it in June? 'June bride' has a nice ring, doesn't it?
All things considered, it's set up so it isn't possible to win.
The further I went the more irresistible became the feeling that I was going round and round in circles.
In the morning I just want to have a leisurely start.
It was to say that going to the station was too much of a bother after all so I should come to the hotel she's staying at. Good grief, what a selfish woman!
Related Kanji
11 strokes
lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent)
On'Yomi: チョウ
Kun'Yomi: は.る, -は.り, -ば.り