Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 一気に in Japanese
Kana Readingいっきに
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- adverb (fukushi)
- Meaning
- in one go; in one gulp; in one breath; without stopping; without pausing; without resting; in one sitting; at a stretch; all at once
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- immediately; instantly; right away; straight away; straightaway
Examples of 一気に, いっきに in a sentence
When I put 100 yen in and pressed the button to buy a coffee at the vending machine, four cans dropped down all at once!
He dashed off a letter.
He worked ten hours at a stretch.
The car put on a burst of speed and passed the truck.
My grades had dived to the bottom of the class.
It is impossible for children to read through the novel at a sitting.