Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 一生懸命 in Japanese
一生懸命, 一生けん命JLPT 4
Kana Readingいっしょうけんめい
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi), adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi), noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- very hard; with utmost effort; with all one's might; for dear life
Examples of 一生懸命, 一生けん命, いっしょうけんめい in a sentence
I polished for all I was worth. The trouble is that my stock of low-grade gems was surprisingly low.
She studied hard in order not to fail the entrance exam.
It's only manners to tackle all out a game that they have gone all out in creating. Pressing the pause button is just rude!
It's only manners to tackle all out a game that they have gone all out in creating. Pressing the pause button is just rude!
With great effort I held his eyelids open with my fingers and dropped in the eye medicine.
It's a very good company! The president is a real go-getter and the workers all put in their best.
Related Kanji
20 strokes
suspend, hang, 10%, install, depend, consult
On'Yomi: ケン, ケ
Kun'Yomi: か.ける, か.かる
8 strokes
fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint
On'Yomi: メイ, ミョウ
Kun'Yomi: いのち
5 strokes
life, genuine, birth
On'Yomi: セイ, ショウ
Kun'Yomi: い.きる, い.かす, い.ける, う.まれる, うま.れる, う.まれ, うまれ, う.む, お.う, は.える, は.やす, き, なま, なま-, な.る, な.す, む.す, -う