Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of (いばら) in Japanese

茨, 荊, 棘
Kana Reading
いばら, イバラ
ibara, ibara
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
    thorny shrub
    Example sentence
    言葉にはとげあった There was a bite in his remark.
  • Parts of speech
    wild rose; briar
    Example sentence
    とげ刺した I ran a splinter into my finger.
  • Parts of speech
    Example sentence
    とげある言葉彼女傷つけた。 My harsh words bruised her feeling.
  • Parts of speech
    (architectural) cusp
    Example sentence
    バラある A rose has thorns on it stem.

Examples of 茨, 荊, 棘, いばら, イバラ in a sentence

Kanji in this word

9 strokes

briar, thorn

On'Yomi: シ, ジ

Kun'Yomi: いばら, かや, くさぶき

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12 strokes

thorn, splinter, spine, biting words, briers

On'Yomi: キョク

Kun'Yomi: いばら, とげ

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9 strokes

thorn, brier, whip

On'Yomi: ケイ

Kun'Yomi: いばら

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