Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 楽しい in Japanese
楽しい, 愉しい, 娯しいJLPT 5
Kana Readingたのしい
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- adjective (keiyoushi)
- Meaning
- enjoyable; fun
Examples of 楽しい, 愉しい, 娯しい, たのしい in a sentence
Good points: The pleasure of disposing of enemies with a variety of combos.
You're having so much fun doing what you are that you can't see what's going on around you.
This sort of thing, it's buying stuff that's fun. Whether you use it or not is secondary.
In order to live happily and healthily with parakeets or parrots, you should think about the behavioral science of domesticated birds and of pet loss.
The fine day added to the pleasure of the picnic.
I had a good time during the trip.
Related Kanji
13 strokes
music, comfort, ease
On'Yomi: ガク, ラク, ゴウ
Kun'Yomi: たの.しい, たの.しむ, この.む