Japanese Dictionary
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Meaning of 機能 in Japanese
機能JLPT 3
Kana Readingきのう
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
- Meaning
- function; facility; faculty; feature
Examples of 機能, きのう in a sentence
People who don't have a computer can't make full use of this MP3 player function.
Windows Vistaのセキュリティ機能を迂回する方法を研究者が公表します。
Researchers announce method of circumventing Windows Vista security features.
I hear that you can burn CDs with Windows XP; could you tell me a website that explains the procedures involved?
I added Newspaper article frequency data to the 'Kanji list' function.
List data can easily be totalled using the automatic sum function.
This packaging material provides heat insulation.
Related Kanji
16 strokes
mechanism, opportunity, occasion, machine, airplane
On'Yomi: キ
Kun'Yomi: はた