Japanese Dictionary
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Meaning of 客観的 in Japanese
Kana Readingきゃっかんてき
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
- Meaning
- objective
Examples of 客観的, きゃっかんてき in a sentence
It is very difficult for anybody to be objective about his own character.
It's hard for nurses to be objective about their patients.
There may be microscopes involved, bringing us ever closer to the heart of the matter; but even microbiology is objective, adding to knowledge by putting space between an object and its observer.
From an objective viewpoint, his argument was far from rational.
Every experiment required a protected environment and an entirely objective frame of mind.
Related Kanji
18 strokes
outlook, look, appearance, condition, view
On'Yomi: カン
Kun'Yomi: み.る, しめ.す
8 strokes
bull's eye, mark, target, object, adjective ending
On'Yomi: テキ
Kun'Yomi: まと