Japanese Dictionary
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Meaning of 決まりきった in Japanese
決まりきった, 極り切った, 決まり切った, 決り切った
Kana Readingきまりきった
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun or verb acting prenominally
- Meaning
- fixed; obvious; commonplace
Examples of 決まりきった, 極り切った, 決まり切った, 決り切った, きまりきった in a sentence
I follow my routine every day.
They knew that doing their work cheerfully is the only way to make routine work bearable.
The maid was totally tired of her household routine.
Housewives may well complain about their daily routine.
I follow my routine every day.
Much of our daily living must consist of routine that requires little or no mental effort.
Related Kanji
13 strokes
poles, settlement, conclusion, end, highest rank, electric poles, very, extremely, most, highly, 10**48
On'Yomi: キョク, ゴク
Kun'Yomi: きわ.める, きわ.まる, きわ.まり, きわ.み, き.める, -ぎ.め, き.まる
4 strokes
cut, cutoff, be sharp
On'Yomi: セツ, サイ
Kun'Yomi: き.る, -き.る, き.り, -き.り, -ぎ.り, き.れる, -き.れる, き.れ, -き.れ, -ぎ.れ
7 strokes
decide, fix, agree upon, appoint
On'Yomi: ケツ
Kun'Yomi: き.める, -ぎ.め, き.まる, さ.く