Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 使い切る in Japanese
使い切る, 使いきる, 遣い切る
Kana Readingつかいきる
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- Godan verb with `ru' ending, transitive verb
- Meaning
- to use up; to exhaust; to wear out
Examples of 使い切る, 使いきる, 遣い切る, つかいきる in a sentence
Don't think about leaving money for your kids, use it all up and enjoy yourself with flair.
As soon as she got her salary, she spent it all.
He earns more money than he can spend.
He has more money than can be spent.
He has more money than he can spend.
The task absorbed all his energies.
Verb Conjugations
- Plain
- 使い切る
- Plain Polite
- 使い切ります
- Negative
- 使い切らない
- Negative Polite
- 使い切りません
- Plain
- 使い切った
- Plain Polite
- 使い切りました
- Negative
- 使い切らなかった
- Negative Polite
- 使い切りませんでした
- Plain
- 使い切って
- Plain Polite
- 使い切りまして
- Negative
- --
- Negative Polite
- --
- Plain
- 使い切られる
- Plain Polite
- 使い切られます
- Negative
- 使い切られない
- Negative Polite
- 使い切られません
Related Kanji
13 strokes
dispatch, despatch, send, give, donate, do, undertake
On'Yomi: ケン
Kun'Yomi: つか.う, -つか.い, -づか.い, つか.わす, や.る
4 strokes
cut, cutoff, be sharp
On'Yomi: セツ, サイ
Kun'Yomi: き.る, -き.る, き.り, -き.り, -ぎ.り, き.れる, -き.れる, き.れ, -き.れ, -ぎ.れ
8 strokes
use, send on a mission, order, messenger, envoy, ambassador, cause
On'Yomi: シ
Kun'Yomi: つか.う, つか.い, -つか.い, -づか.い