Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 巡る in Japanese
巡る, 回る, 廻るJLPT 2
Kana Readingめぐる
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- Godan verb with `ru' ending, intransitive verb
- Meaning
- to go around
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- to return
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- to surround
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- to concern (usu. of disputes)
Examples of 巡る, 回る, 廻る, めぐる in a sentence
The further I went the more irresistible became the feeling that I was going round and round in circles.
So it's finally time to pay the piper.
Parliamentary activity has become a political tug of war between the ruling and opposition parties over the issue.
The runners rounded the corner into the homestretch.
Hmph, Yayoi's navigation was difficult to follow so we ended up going round and round the same places.
Planets move around a fixed star.
Verb Conjugations
- Plain
- 巡る
- Plain Polite
- 巡ります
- Negative
- 巡らない
- Negative Polite
- 巡りません
- Plain
- 巡った
- Plain Polite
- 巡りました
- Negative
- 巡らなかった
- Negative Polite
- 巡りませんでした
- Plain
- 巡って
- Plain Polite
- 巡りまして
- Negative
- --
- Negative Polite
- --
- Plain
- 巡られる
- Plain Polite
- 巡られます
- Negative
- 巡られない
- Negative Polite
- 巡られません
Related Kanji
6 strokes
-times, round, game, revolve, counter for occurrences
On'Yomi: カイ, エ
Kun'Yomi: まわ.る, -まわ.る, -まわ.り, まわ.す, -まわ.す, まわ.し-, -まわ.し, もとお.る, か.える
9 strokes
round, game, revolve, go around, circumference
On'Yomi: カイ, エ
Kun'Yomi: まわ.る, まわ.す, もとお.る, めぐ.る, めぐ.らす