Japanese Dictionary
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Meaning of 所為 in Japanese
Kana Readingしょい
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- act; deed; one's doing
Examples of 所為, しょい in a sentence
Is it the vacuum cleaner's fault that the room is dusty?
However, maybe from the sudden change in pressure when you put them, having your ears pop is a problem.
Shurrup! Don't make such a fuss over a little headache. I'm flat out of magical power - this is all your fault!
Thanks to you getting him badly injured, all of that kid's summer plans came to nothing!
Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily. It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.
家では赤味がかった髪とそばかすのせいで、母が侮蔑を込めて 「にんじん」と名付け、皆にもそう呼ばせています。
At home, because of his reddish hair and freckles, his mother scornfully named him "carrot" and had everybody else call him that.
Related Kanji
9 strokes
do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of
On'Yomi: イ
Kun'Yomi: ため, な.る, な.す, す.る, たり, つく.る, なり