Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 除く in Japanese
除くJLPT 3
Kana Readingのぞく
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- Godan verb with `ku' ending, transitive verb
- Meaning
- to remove; to exclude; to except
Examples of 除く, のぞく in a sentence
In most cases we can deliver within three business days.
I'm allowing all attacks except on vital organs.
Apart from its cost, the plan was a good one.
She visited the old man in the hospital every day but Sunday.
Her composition is very good except for a few errors in spelling.
Outside of him, no one else came to the party.
Verb Conjugations
- Plain
- 除く
- Plain Polite
- 除きます
- Negative
- 除かない
- Negative Polite
- 除きません
- Plain
- 除いた
- Plain Polite
- 除きました
- Negative
- 除かなかった
- Negative Polite
- 除きませんでした
- Plain
- 除いて
- Plain Polite
- 除きまして
- Negative
- --
- Negative Polite
- --
- Plain
- 除かれる
- Plain Polite
- 除かれます
- Negative
- 除かれない
- Negative Polite
- 除かれません
Related Kanji
10 strokes
exclude, division (x/3), remove, abolish, cancel, except
On'Yomi: ジョ, ジ
Kun'Yomi: のぞ.く, -よ.け