Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 勝手に in Japanese
勝手にJLPT 2
Kana Readingかってに
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- adverb (fukushi)
- Meaning
- arbitrarily; of its own accord; involuntarily; wilfully; willfully; as one pleases
Examples of 勝手に, かってに in a sentence
There are frequent instances of malicious door-to-door selling, such as pushing water purifiers on people after carrying out water quality tests without permission.
I had imagined that the newbies fresh from university would probably be stuck with all the backstage work - collecting reference material, getting copies and such but I couldn't have been proved more wrong.
I took the liberty of using the dictionary while you were out of the room.
He wants to have everything his own way.
Come on in and make yourself at home.
The claim of community involvement is just window dressing; City Hall will do what it wants to anyhow.
Related Kanji
12 strokes
victory, win, prevail, excel
On'Yomi: ショウ
Kun'Yomi: か.つ, -が.ち, まさ.る, すぐ.れる, かつ