Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 先端 in Japanese
先端, 尖端JLPT 2
Kana Readingせんたん
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
- Meaning
- pointed end; tip; fine point; spearhead; cusp; vanguard; advanced; leading edge; apex (of a curve)
Examples of 先端, 尖端, せんたん in a sentence
When investigating the pH (acidic, neutral, alkaline) of a liquid, don't soak the litmus paper completely in the liquid but just put the end of the paper in it.
Only the tip of an iceberg shows above the water.
She is on the cutting edge.
Japanese cameras, cars, and hi-fi equipment are used widely abroad, and few modern industries can manage without advanced electronic equipment developed in Japan.
What you see above the water is just the tip of the iceberg.
Past the west coasts of Europe and Africa to the tip of southern Africa.
Related Kanji
6 strokes
be pointed, sharp, taper, displeased, angry, edgy
On'Yomi: セン
Kun'Yomi: とが.る, さき, するど.い
14 strokes
edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape
On'Yomi: タン
Kun'Yomi: はし, は, はた, -ばた, はな
6 strokes
before, ahead, previous, future, precedence
On'Yomi: セン
Kun'Yomi: さき, ま.ず