Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 大抵 in Japanese
大抵JLPT 4
Kana Readingたいてい
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi), adverb (fukushi), noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- mostly; ordinarily; usually; generally
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- probably
- Parts of speech
- nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no', noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- most; almost all
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- (before a neg. form) ordinary
- Parts of speech
- adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
- Meaning
- proper; appropriate; moderate
Examples of 大抵, たいてい in a sentence
With most of the arts, if you don't get the basics down properly then it is difficult to acquire further skills.
With most things there's both what you see and what's behind it.
The company, although with some exceptions, usually utilizes its resources very well.
At night, we usually go bowling.
Night is when most people go to bed.
Reading comics is usually viewed as the pastime of children.