Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 大変 in Japanese
大変JLPT 5
Kana Readingたいへん
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- adverb (fukushi)
- Meaning
- very; greatly
- Parts of speech
- adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi), noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- immense; enormous; great
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- serious; grave; dreadful; terrible
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- difficult; hard
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- major incident; disaster
Examples of 大変, たいへん in a sentence
If rain was enough to get phone-lines crossed then Japan would be in a right mess, wouldn't it?
A healthy curiosity is truly a fine thing.
This expression has really caught my fancy, as a type of English metaphorical expression not in Japanese.
Well it's very difficult changing jobs after you're thirty so I don't really want to do it.
It's no joke! It's really a pain, you see.
I'm sure it's tough taking part in the activities of two clubs, but good luck!